Mobility Scooter: 9 Tips to Increase Range

Mobility scooters can be a great way to help people get around, but the range of these vehicles can be a limiting factor for some users. 

If you’re someone who is looking to go further with your personal scooter, you’re in the right place. 

This article will explore some of the ways you can increase the range of your mobility scooter so that you can travel farther and enjoy more freedom and independence. 

We’ll cover topics such as battery maintenance, tire pressure, and weight management, as well as some tips for maximizing the efficiency of your scooter. 

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how to increase the range of your scooter and be able to make the most of your mobility device. 

Whether you’re looking to travel to new places or simply have more freedom to explore your neighborhood, this article will have you covered. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The average range of a mobility scooter is 16 miles, but it may vary depending on terrain, weather, and weight.
  • There are some things you can do to increase the range of your mobility scooter, including using ECO driving modes, driving at a steady pace, not carrying extra weight, avoiding hills, choosing flat paths, turning off lights when not needed, taking proper care of your batteries, considering extended range batteries, and inflating tires.
  • Taking care of your scooter’s batteries is essential for getting the most range out of your device.
  • There is a guide available on how to take proper care of your mobility scooter’s batteries.

What’s the Average Range of a Mobility Scooter?

The average range of a mobility scooter is 16 miles of autonomy, however, your mileage may vary depending on the terrain, climate conditions, and how much you weigh.

This number is also what manufacturers inform, and is usually calculated considering ideal circumstances.

If you are shopping for a scooter, and your daily round trips come close to 15 miles, I would recommend you get an extended-range unit, since it’s unlikely you will be available to get these averages.

Also, batteries decay with time and lose range.

9 Tips to Increase Your Powered Scooter Range

There are certain things you can do to make sure you are making the most out of your scooter’s autonomy, especially if you need to squeeze every last mile available out of it.

Here are 9 of the most impactful things you can do to extend the range of your personal scooter:

1. Take Advantage of ECO Driving Modes

Mobility scooters come with different driving modes that influence their performance, from acceleration curves to how strong the brakes activate.

Most units will have an ECO mode or a setting that is intended to save battery.

Although your top speed and acceleration will likely be limited, it will help you reach your destination with enough power left.

2. Drive at a Steady Pace

Accelerating the scooter from a stop or a low speed does take a big toll on your battery’s charge.

Try to maintain a constant speed as long as possible to ensure a lower power draw.

3. Don’t Carry Extra Weight With You

Mobility scooter motors are not as powerful as car engines are, and small differences in weight can make or break your range since the unit will require to draw more power from the battery.

Although putting yourself on a diet to lose some extra pounds is always a great idea, the most effective way to take advantage of this is to just be mindful of not taking too much stuff with you during your trips.

4. Avoid Hills

Electric scooters are not fond of climbing hills, and doing so can require too much work from their motors, again, drawing a lot of current from their batteries.

Plan your trips in advance, and if you know the neighborhood, try avoiding steep inclines as much as possible.

On the other hand, descents from higher grounds will help you save battery by using gravity in your favor.

5. Choose Flat Paths

Apart from hills, uneven terrains such as gravel, dirt, or tall grass can also make your scooter work harder than it should.

Choose flat sidewalks and pedestrian paths over rougher terrains whenever you can and you will be able to travel longer.

6. Turn Off The Lights If You Don’t Need Them

Even the small things such as lights or any other electrical features your scooter might have that can be turned off might end up getting you some extra minutes of driving that can sometimes mean a lot for your daily trips.

Of course, don’t save battery on lights if it’s pitch dark out there. Always prioritize safety.

7. Take Proper Care of Your Batteries

There are many things you can do to ensure your batteries last for longer, from charging them properly to storing your scooter in a dry place, it’s the small things that add up.

More on how to look after your batteries later.

8. Consider Extended Range Batteries

If the range you are getting regularly from your scooter is not enough for your daily needs, there might be extended-range battery packs available for your scooter model.

Ask your retailer for more details about compatibility and the cost of it.

9. Inflate the Tires

Finally, and something a lot of people overlook is inflating the tires of your vehicle properly.

You should check your specific model’s manual for how much pressure is recommended.

Flat or low tires can make your scooter sluggish, and reduce its motor’s performance.

How to Take Proper Care of Your Scooter’s Batteries

As I mentioned, taking proper care of your mobility scooter’s batteries is essential for making sure you are getting the most range out of it.

We have a full guide on it you should check out:

All the claims made in this article are only for informational purposes, based on the writer’s experience and not clinical advice. You should always consult your physician or physical therapist if you have any doubts about how this applies to your specific case.